Brokerage and research for OTC products and marketing authorisations

To be successful in the healthcare market, companies must continuously develop their product portfolios. Instead of getting all innovations off the ground themselves, it is often more efficient to draw on OTC innovations of other market players and to acquire product and brand portfolios by taking a targeted approach.

Our in-licensing and out-licensing team researches and brokers the right products for each client so that their OTC product portfolio and company can grow. In addition, we identify national and international cooperative ventures, sales partners, co-marketers and acquisition candidates (M&A) in the OTC segment that are a good fit with your portfolio and growth strategy.

On your behalf, our research and brokerage service screens, assesses and acquires

  • Development projects
  • Marketing authorisations
  • Dossiers
  • OTC products and brand products with turnover
  • OTC companies/acquisition candidates
  • Cooperative sales ventures and
  • Licensing rights

for the whole spectrum of marketability, from medicinal products and medical devices to food supplements, biocides and cosmetics.

Based on our extensive expertise, excellent international network and our own portfolio of now more than 500 marketing authorisations obtained by Diapharm, we secure OTC products, fill product pipelines and lay the foundation for the continuous growth of our clients.

OTC marketing authorisation research: innovations and safeguarding activities

Diapharm finds exactly the right OTC product for the respective portfolio strategy and the OTC marketing authorisation for in-licensing or co-marketing. To do this, we screen relevant international markets and databases, identify trends and also handle the contractual negotiations upon request. To perform our marketing authorisation research, we are able to draw on a network of highly experienced local experts and on our regulatory databases in all relevant European markets.

We conduct research on behalf of pharmaceutical companies into OTC product developments and innovations, as well as OTC products from the existing market if the aim is to safeguard established brands, for example.

OTC marketing authorisations and licences

In addition to custom research into OTC marketing authorisations and products, we also directly offer current licence options with clear indications in line with regulatory requirements for acquisition. Learn more >>

Did you know? Around one-fifth of all traditional herbal registrations (THR) granted in the European Union rely on Diapharm dossiers.

  • 04/16/2024 – A milestone contribution to ensure consistent quality in GMP audits. more >>
  • 01/17/2024 – Happy New Year 2024 more >>


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