Diapharm’s decision to apply for these registrations for feverfew has been supported by a recently published HMPC monograph (EMA/HMPC/587578/2009). This monograph attributes a strong indication to Tanacetum parthenium, an established herbal medicine in the UK: “Traditional herbal medicinal product for the prophylaxis of migraine headaches after serious conditions have been excluded by a medical doctor”. However, Dr. Rainer Kolkmann also sees opportunities to identify new traditional medicines in Eastern and Southern Europe and then to introduce them into other EU countries. In addition to Germany, the United Kingdom and Austria, Diapharm is also already active in Lithuania, Portugal, Spain, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Netherlands, Belgium, France and Rumania. The focus of the company’s service is to provide regulatory, medical and pharmaceutical advice and to manage medicinal product approvals and OTC products.
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