Health claims

The particulars of a health claim – a health-related advertising statement for a food product – cannot be freely chosen. Instead, they are subject to strict regulations.

An advertising statement may not mislead the user, must be scientifically well founded and may not claim to treat or heal medical conditions. This applies in particular to food supplements that could resemble medicinal products due to their dosage form.

Regulations EC 1924/2006 and EU 432/2012

The “Health Claims Regulation” (EC) No. 1924/2006 is at the heart of the guidelines governing health claims in advertising. These health-related particulars, must comply with this regulation. In future, only those health claims may be made that are explicitly permitted by the regulation. Approved Health Claims allow for food supplement to be safely positioned in the health care sector. For many ingredients and associated health claims, the European Commission has published a positive list of health claims in Regulation (EC) No. 432/2012. However, this list is far from complete, and there is also a long list of health claims that were not admitted to the positive list. Use of these will be forbidden in future.

Optional health-related claims

Optional statements in health-related advertising texts appearing on the packaging of food products require specific mandatory information based on Regulation (EC) No. 1924/2006. Among other things, the “Health Claims Regulation” states that food manufacturers intending to use these types of advertising texts on packaging must, for example, indicate the importance of a varied and balanced diet. If applicable, they must also state for which groups of individuals the product is not appropriate.

Diapharm supports manufacturers of food products and food supplements in fulfilling labelling requirements and making optimal use of labelling options: We help develop and maintain health claims – and thus support the European healthcare systems.

Axel Turowski
Associate Director Regulatory Affairs

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